
Wednesday, October 31, 2012




Japanese Traditional bamboo flute

          Hi, the next japanese music I want to introduce is  Samurai music!!! As you can see this Video, this music is often used to describe japanese samurai. The instrument is used in this music is called Sha-ku-ha-chi which is a traditional Japanese bamboo flute.
If you want to know about Samurai, please watch this movie"Last Samurai". In this movie, Samurai's belief or splits is most described.


An American Sha-Ku-ha-chi Artist is in Japan

          And next, there are some famous Sha-Ku-Ha-Chi artists who are not Japanese in Japan.
His name of the picture is Michael Chikuzen Gould, who is one of a very few non-Japanese Grand Masters of shakuhachi.
        He had lived in Japan from 1980 to 1997 and studied shakuhachi under renowned masters Taniguchi Yoshinobu and Yokoyama Katsuya. Gould earned a “Shihan” (Master of Shakuhachi) in 1987 and was given the name “Chikuzen.” In 1994, he became one of only a handful of non-Japanese to hold the title of “Dai Shihan” (Grand Master of Shakuhachi). After returning to the U.S., Chikuzen taught Zen Buddhism and Shakuhachi at the University of Michigan, Oberlin College, and Wittenberg University.

History of Shakuhachi

Honkyoku, the "original music" of the shakuhachi, represents one of the major genres of traditional Japanese music. The name of the instrument is derived from an ancient system of measurement, shakuhachi being the corruption of i shaku ha sun which literally means 1.8 feet, the length of the classical flute. Instruments ranging in size from 1.3' to 2.4' are used in concert and flutes as long as 3.2', while less common, are also played.

Two Komuso

if You wnat to get more information of Sha-ku-ha-chi, visit to this web.


How to play the Sha-Ku-Ha-Chi??

This video is first lesson for Sha-Ku-Ha-Chi. He teach us how to play it.

There is The school for shakuhachi in New York City!

nyogetsu portrait 
Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin SeldinShakuhachiGrandMasterRonnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin studied Shakuhachi in Kyoto, Japan with Kurahashi Yodo Sensei, who was a disciple of Jin Nyodo. There in 1975, he received the name Nyogetsu and a teaching certificate at the level of Jun Shihan in the Kinko school of shakuhachi.
After his return to New York, Nyogetsu was awarded the rank of Shi-han (Master) in 1978, as a result of his efforts to spread the teaching of this instrument in America.

Study Methods

There are many different options for studying at the Ki Sui An Shakuhachi Dojo.
Online Mp3, Skype Video or Cassette Lessons:
Mr. Seldin started teaching via cassette in 1976, and it has proven quite successful for those Shakuhachi students who live far from New York City. At present he teaches students by cassette or computer in 6 countries and 27 states. For more information on this method please contact Mr. Seldin.
Weekly Lessons:
Although this is the best way to study the Shakuhachi, it is not an alternative which is available to everybody. This is the method of instruction used in the New York City Dojo and Up State New York.
Monthly Lessons:
This method of teaching is available in the Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rochester and Syracuse Dojos. If there are enough students that are interested, this type of teaching format can be begun anywhere else.
There are many Intensives held every year at Dai Bosatsu Zendo, Zen Mountain Monastery, and Fire-Lotus Zendo, all located in New York State. There are additional intensives in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rochester, and Mexico. In addition, either one-day or weekend intensives can be arranged anywhere if there is sufficient interest.
Pay for Lessons:
Use your credit card or checking account to pay for your lessons electronically with PayPal secure online payment service. First time users of PayPal can follow the prompts to establish a PayPal account — it's free and takes just a few minutes. If you already have a PayPal account you can send money now! Lessons can also be paid for by check through the mail or in person.

The NYC Dojo(school) Location

120 Riverside Drive, #3W NewYork, NY 10024
This is the Google Map

Performance Events in U.S.A!

January 5, 2013
Buffalo/Toronto Beginners/Intermediate Honkyoku Intensive

This intensive is for Beginners (no experience necessary) and Intermediate students, and will consist of learning an entire Zen piece (HONKYOKU). Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin will teach this class at the Buffalo Dojo. For reservations, please call: 917-207-6724, or email: nyogetsu@gmail.com

January 6, 2013
Rochester Beginners/Intermediate Honkyoku Intensive
This intensive is for beginners (no experience necessary) and Intermediate students and will consist of learning an entire Zen piece (HONKYOKU). Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin will teach this class at the Rochester Dojo. For reservations, please call: 917-207-6724, or email: nyogetsu@gmail.com

January 15 – February 11, 2013
Annual Winter USA tour of Kyoto Shakuhachi Master Kurahashi Yodo-Sensei
Please contact Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin for any further information at: 917-207-6724, or email: nyogetsu@gmail.com

You can learn Shakuhachi in NYC!!

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