
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Sha-Mi-Sen" 三味線

Today, a Japanese Traditional insturumet I would like to introduce is " Sha-Mi-Sen"
A shamisen is a Japanese stringed instrument which has a sound similar to that of a banjo. Shamisens have been used in Japan since at least the 17th century, and they commonly make appearances in traditional Japanese music. Today, shamisens are played at arts and culture festivals, musical performances, theatre and dance shows, and other traditional Japanese venues, and they are also sometimes included in modern compositions which take advantage of the unique sound of the shamisen and other traditional Japanese instruments to create a very distinctive feel.
The roots of the shamisen are ancient. The Egyptians made an instrument very similar in form and style to the shamisen, and this instrument undoubtedly spread to the Middle East, trickling slowly from there across Asia. It is probable that the shamisen is descended from instruments brought over from China, although the Japanese have created their own unique interpretation of this ancient stringed instrument. There are also several different styles of Japanese shamisen, each with its own sound and accompanying musical styles.

Sha-Mi-Sen Artist  

Yoshida Brothers 

The Yoshida Brothers [aka吉田兄弟] were born and raised in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido. Each picked up the shamisen at the tender age of five and began studying tsugaru shamisen under Takashi Sasaki I in 1990. After sweeping prizes at national Tsugaru shamisen conventions, the brothers made their major debut in 1999. The debut album sold over 100,000 copies, an extraordinary figure for a traditional folk music release.
They won the “Traditional Japanese Music Album Of The Year” category of the 15th annual Japan Gold Disc Award, as well as the “30th Anniversary Of Normalization Of Japan-China Diplomatic Relations Commemorative Special Prize” of the 17th Annual Japan Gold Disc Award.
In 2002, the brothers went on their first national tour entitled “Live Soul” performing in 30 cities. The following year they made their US debut with album Yoshida Brothers from Domo Records and performed in New York and Los Angeles.

A Shamisen player in USA play Eminem's song with Shamisen!


How to play the Sha-Mi-Sen??

This movie is without explaining by him.. so, I will explain the basic just litlle bit about how to play the Shamisen.

Point 1 : The correct way of Seiza ( sitting in Japanese way)

First, you need to sit down, open your knees to the width of your waist. about  the size which opens 1-2 fists space between your knees. on the waist, please straighten your backbone and support in the abdomen. the power of your u[[er half of the body and shoulder is to be relaxed. please have the image with which the backbone is extended straightly in the center of your pelvis. and you need to add abdominal breathing clmly. this will lead you to become the like "yoga" position.
Sitting down correctly first is very very important. 

Point 2: How to hold a shamisen

Next, place the knee-rubber right in the middle of your right knee. this is the place on which the trunk of a shamisen is put. please take care not to hold a shamisen too close to the body. Next, let the shamisen falls towards your body as shown on the photograph above. please adjust your upper part of the body according to approach the shamisen if you think it is too far. If you have the image of carrying the trunk of a shamisen on your right knee., the position of the trunk will become too high and the position of a shamisen will not settled. Please think that the half of the trunk of a shamisen is put on the ouside of your knee.

Point 3: How to hold a Bachi

Five fingers of yours are softly bent round, as if you are grasping an egg, and the thumb and the little finger are put on the bottom of bachi. then your index finger, middle finger, and the third finger, are located in a line, and please hold the bachi upwards. Please lengthen the thumb gently. Place where the fingertip of your thumb touches the mountain of bachi exactly. the place which you should grasp is one of them. your three fingers bent softly, should be maintaining balance which becomes resonalble and exactly parallel to the pole of a shamisen.

Point 4: how to swing a bachi

The place to which bachi is hit should look like the upper photograph. ( It will become large when you click.) Since the jiuta shamisen values values the delicacy of a tone, the end is power with great force. Please first relax your wrist, swing down vertically to the edge of the white part straightly, without opposing the weght of bachi.(uchikomi)

Point 5: how to press down the tsubo

For most of the time, the index finger, the middle finger and the forth finger are used to hold down the tsubo.(equivalent to pitches)
The location where the string is pressed ( on your finger) known as itomichi, is usually held right in the middle of your finger apart from the index finger which should be held slightly towards the thumb.

Point 6: Beautiful HAJIKI ( flicking the string)

There are two key points to the sound of beautiful HAJIKI. Hold down the tsubo correctly then flick( or more like press down and release from the side). Now, a nice sound of HAJIKI will be made.
As you might have notced after reading this long text, it is never easy to play correctly. though I have done my best to give an account of the basic keys to play a good sound on Shamisen.  I would be most happy if this introduction could give you an slight inspiration of how to play the Shamisen.

How to get the Sha-Mi-Sen? and How much it is?

A Sha-Mi-Sen can be bought from Japan Via the internet for about $930, including a hard case for the instrument and shipping.
HardCase for Sha-Mi-Sen.

What else do I need to play Shamisen?

A shamisen is played with a hand held pick called a bachi.
A plastic bachi costs $43 and a bachi case is about $32.

The Bachi and The bachi case




It is really expesive but there is also other way to learn "Sha-Mi-Sen" because there is aslo.....

Sha-Mi-Sen school in New York City!!

Sawai Koto Academy New York

Location: West Side, midtown Manhattan, a block from the 42nd street A*C*E* subway stations and cllose to other 42nd St subways.

Lesson Time: Usually Monday-Friday 11AM-8PM ( last lesson starting time: 7PM)

Price: 1 hour private lesson, $50 each lesson ( no Group lessons), You must have at least 2 lessons per month, thus $100 per month. if you want to come more than twice that is fine. if you are living in the city far from New York City ( for example Boston, Philadelphia, wtc.) and difficult to come to New York City twice a month for lessons, They offer you 1 lesspn a month. in this case $65 per lesson.

Language: Englsih

URL: http://www.letsplaykoto.com/index.html

Koto and Shamisen Professor: Masayo Ishigure
Masayo Ishigure began playing the koto and jiuta shamisen at the age of five in Gifu, Japan. After initial studies with Tadao and Kazue Sawai she became a special research student in 1986 at the Sawai Koto Academy of Music. The aim of the academy was to shed new light on koto music by incorporating everything from Bach to jazz and thus change the koto from being thought of only as a Later Masayo Ishigure became one of a small group of virtuoso disiples of the Sawais and successfully completed the 33rd Ikusei-kai program sponsored by NHK to foster and train as[iring artists in Japanese music.
In 1988, Ms. Ishigure received a degree in japanese Traditional Music at Takasaki Junior Arts College with a concentration on koto and shamisen. The same year she was recorded on the CD entitled " the World of Tada Sawai". She played koto and shamisen on the educational video. In 1994 she appeared on the CD entitled " Tori no Yoni"(Flying Like a Bird) Tadao Sawai Compositions. 


 Sushi Restourant in NY

This is for someone who look for a sushi restaurant in NY. As you already know, some sushi restaurant has already located in Manhattan. what about Bronx city? I will give you some information and the best japanese restourant in Manhattan.

In Bronx, sushi restaurant is ...

Kiraku Japanese Restaurant In Bronx
Location: 1948 Williamsbridge Road Bronx, NY 10461
Tell:(718) 379-8866

The Best Japanese restaurant is...

Nobu New York
Location: 105 Hudson Street New York,  NY 10013
Tell: (212)219-0500
 Nobu New York is really hard to take reservation in weekend.. a lot of customer go there to eat dinner. all food are really delicious. I have been to there once before with my parents. In my opinion, we might not be able to eat any lunch or dinner such as the Nobu's food and appetizer even if I was in Japan. all american should go there at least one time.
thank you for watching my blog.
have a good day.

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Wa-Daiko" 和太鼓:Japanese Traditional Drum

Japanese Traditional Drum, 和太鼓"Wa-Da-iko"

Hi! How are you guys?
Today, I will introduce a Japanese drum! but before that, please watch this movie I want you to see it.
a few days ago, I found them, when I was watching YouTube in my house! They are dance team called RemoteKontrol! Their dance is absolutely nice! i have never seen a dancers like them! one of them is really famous! I'm sure you have seen him on YouTube before.

This is him! please, keep check them from now! it is really great!


Ok, then. back to real my blog!! have you ever seen Japanese Drum called "Wa-da-i-ko"?
I think you will be surprised by the performance. Please, watch this.

Japanese Traditional music is used 

In Famous Japanese Animation!!

Have You ever seen Naruto? it is Japanese animation and most famous Japanese Anime in United States. in Naruto's sound track, the Japanese traditional instruments is often used. Try to listen.

Japanese drum are classified by three types of

 長胴太鼓桶胴太鼓 and 附締太鼓.

Body Length Drum (長胴太鼓)

Body Length Drum is made by wood was hollowed out trunk of a tree. It is intended to be seen more commonly in Japan.

Body Drum Barrel 樋胴太鼓)

That I made a circle showing their body to the plate that was divided vertically. Large bass,  acoustic as well. Cypress and Spanish mackerel body is made of such, is characterized by the relatively light.

Supplementary Drum Clamping (附締太鼓)

String and bolt nut, turn buckle shall be adhered to in the body and skin, tight. the sound quality adjustment is possible by the degree of tightening. These are often used for or used Kabuki, folk, or the like shamisen, take the rhythm.

Big Japanse Drum (大太鼓)

Big Japanse Drum (大太鼓)
There is also Big japanese drum called "O-Daiko". This one is usually used for the beginning of the performance. The sound is like this.

The Japanese Drum school is in NYC!!

 In NYC, there are Japanese drum school is called Taikoza. They also perform japanese drum in NYC.

The location of School and Class Infomation

RM 404 The Music Building
584 8th Avenue, close to 38th street
7-10 PM: 7-8pm is beginners; 8-10 mixed level
Class from noon-3PM
noon-1pm PM is private lesson
1PM -2pmbeginners/ Intermediate
2-4pm Advanced
If you are interested in Japanese Traditional Drum, please check this site. 

Thank you for watching my blog.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012




Japanese Traditional bamboo flute

          Hi, the next japanese music I want to introduce is  Samurai music!!! As you can see this Video, this music is often used to describe japanese samurai. The instrument is used in this music is called Sha-ku-ha-chi which is a traditional Japanese bamboo flute.
If you want to know about Samurai, please watch this movie"Last Samurai". In this movie, Samurai's belief or splits is most described.


An American Sha-Ku-ha-chi Artist is in Japan

          And next, there are some famous Sha-Ku-Ha-Chi artists who are not Japanese in Japan.
His name of the picture is Michael Chikuzen Gould, who is one of a very few non-Japanese Grand Masters of shakuhachi.
        He had lived in Japan from 1980 to 1997 and studied shakuhachi under renowned masters Taniguchi Yoshinobu and Yokoyama Katsuya. Gould earned a “Shihan” (Master of Shakuhachi) in 1987 and was given the name “Chikuzen.” In 1994, he became one of only a handful of non-Japanese to hold the title of “Dai Shihan” (Grand Master of Shakuhachi). After returning to the U.S., Chikuzen taught Zen Buddhism and Shakuhachi at the University of Michigan, Oberlin College, and Wittenberg University.

History of Shakuhachi

Honkyoku, the "original music" of the shakuhachi, represents one of the major genres of traditional Japanese music. The name of the instrument is derived from an ancient system of measurement, shakuhachi being the corruption of i shaku ha sun which literally means 1.8 feet, the length of the classical flute. Instruments ranging in size from 1.3' to 2.4' are used in concert and flutes as long as 3.2', while less common, are also played.

Two Komuso

if You wnat to get more information of Sha-ku-ha-chi, visit to this web.


How to play the Sha-Ku-Ha-Chi??

This video is first lesson for Sha-Ku-Ha-Chi. He teach us how to play it.

There is The school for shakuhachi in New York City!

nyogetsu portrait 
Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin SeldinShakuhachiGrandMasterRonnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin studied Shakuhachi in Kyoto, Japan with Kurahashi Yodo Sensei, who was a disciple of Jin Nyodo. There in 1975, he received the name Nyogetsu and a teaching certificate at the level of Jun Shihan in the Kinko school of shakuhachi.
After his return to New York, Nyogetsu was awarded the rank of Shi-han (Master) in 1978, as a result of his efforts to spread the teaching of this instrument in America.

Study Methods

There are many different options for studying at the Ki Sui An Shakuhachi Dojo.
Online Mp3, Skype Video or Cassette Lessons:
Mr. Seldin started teaching via cassette in 1976, and it has proven quite successful for those Shakuhachi students who live far from New York City. At present he teaches students by cassette or computer in 6 countries and 27 states. For more information on this method please contact Mr. Seldin.
Weekly Lessons:
Although this is the best way to study the Shakuhachi, it is not an alternative which is available to everybody. This is the method of instruction used in the New York City Dojo and Up State New York.
Monthly Lessons:
This method of teaching is available in the Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rochester and Syracuse Dojos. If there are enough students that are interested, this type of teaching format can be begun anywhere else.
There are many Intensives held every year at Dai Bosatsu Zendo, Zen Mountain Monastery, and Fire-Lotus Zendo, all located in New York State. There are additional intensives in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rochester, and Mexico. In addition, either one-day or weekend intensives can be arranged anywhere if there is sufficient interest.
Pay for Lessons:
Use your credit card or checking account to pay for your lessons electronically with PayPal secure online payment service. First time users of PayPal can follow the prompts to establish a PayPal account — it's free and takes just a few minutes. If you already have a PayPal account you can send money now! Lessons can also be paid for by check through the mail or in person.

The NYC Dojo(school) Location

120 Riverside Drive, #3W NewYork, NY 10024
This is the Google Map

Performance Events in U.S.A!

January 5, 2013
Buffalo/Toronto Beginners/Intermediate Honkyoku Intensive

This intensive is for Beginners (no experience necessary) and Intermediate students, and will consist of learning an entire Zen piece (HONKYOKU). Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin will teach this class at the Buffalo Dojo. For reservations, please call: 917-207-6724, or email: nyogetsu@gmail.com

January 6, 2013
Rochester Beginners/Intermediate Honkyoku Intensive
This intensive is for beginners (no experience necessary) and Intermediate students and will consist of learning an entire Zen piece (HONKYOKU). Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin will teach this class at the Rochester Dojo. For reservations, please call: 917-207-6724, or email: nyogetsu@gmail.com

January 15 – February 11, 2013
Annual Winter USA tour of Kyoto Shakuhachi Master Kurahashi Yodo-Sensei
Please contact Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin for any further information at: 917-207-6724, or email: nyogetsu@gmail.com

You can learn Shakuhachi in NYC!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

" What is Real Japanese Music?"

"What is Real Japanese music?"

Hi, this blog is about Japanese traditional music. I will introduce the Japanese traditional music and the instrument. Do you know what Japanese Music is? What do you image it, if you were asked about it by someone?  The Japanese music is something like this.

 This music name is "the Merry Christmas Mr.Lowrence" was made by Ryuichi Sakamoto.
actually, this is not original one because it is played by some Japanese traditional instruments: Wa-Gon, Shaku-ha-Chi, Sha-mi-sen, and others.
The real japanese music is like this.

It is not like next one!!!!!
The reason why this is not japanese music is its basic sound is HIPHOP! It was born in United States. A lot of young japanese like listening a song like this but it is not original japanese song. They are just singing on the sound was born in U.S!!! Even if japanese made this, the origin doesn't have any difference!! So, it is called J-HIPHOP.

The Japanese Traditional Music is in store and in i-Tunes, or Amazon!

This is a  compilation album for relaxesion of Japanese Traditional Music, you can purchace it on iTunes or Amazon.com as CD or MP3. The price is about $10.00.
Japanese Traditional Music (CD) ~ Japanese Relaxation and Medita... Cover Art
Anyone can purchase these album, what you do to get is  just seraching "Japanese Traditional Music album".


I will show you a japanese traditional instruments called "Wa-Gon"(和琴).

It is said that the origin of Wa-Gon has been introduced from China to Japan at era of Na-ra(奈良) The era is almost over thousand years ago. It is called "Koto"(琴). But, the structure is definitely difference between Wa-Gon and Koto. Generally, Wa-gon is called Koto by japanese. So, most of japanese don't even know the difference. Wa-gon is used for "the merry christmas Mr. Lowrence" I showed on top, and it has a unique point that the interval is decided by place pressing the string down, and it make a sound by using a pick is put it on fingers or nail of hand. 

How to Play " Wa-gon"???

This Video is first lesson to play Wagon by Japanese woman.


Try to Compete Original


Japanese Traditional instruments version!!

By the way, This is the original "the merry christmas Mr. Lowrence" and he is Ryuichi Sakamoto.

Which one do you like? Please, comment for it that which one you like or not, if you don't mind it.
The reason why I introducing the Japanese Music is I want all foreign country people like you to know and interested in our cultural songs since some people don't know what Japanese traditional music is. And also, I want a lot of people to visit to our country.

I'm keeping to introduce all japanese music and the instruments on my blog.